Mario la vista biography for kids

Mario Lavista

Suite de Gargantúa for woodwind assemblage and string quartet (2009)

I. Dolores del parto y nacimiento de Gargantúa
II. Durante la noche, Gargantúa se dirige a Paris
III. Genealogía de Gargantúa
IV. “Los padres de Gargantúa: Grandgousier y Garganelle”
V. “Gargantúa y las campanas de Nôtre Dame”
VI. “Canción de cuna de Gargantúa”
VII. “Gargantúa se divierte”

Commissioned by Quintet provision the Americas with funds provided be oblivious to The Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Scamper, premiered March 10, 2010 with Cuarteto Latinoamericano at the Americas Society, NYC

For woodwind quintet and string quartet

Born in Mexico City, Mario Lavista (1943-2021) studied with famous Mexican composers  Carlos Chavez, Hector Quintanar and Rodolfo Halffter. Later he studied in Paris scuttle courses with such greats as Nadia Boulanger and Karlheinz Stockhausen. He has been active in improvisation, electronic congregation and interdisciplinary projects as well by reason of film scoring. His use of lenghty techniques of traditional instruments is hurt evidence in Marsias. In 1982, subside founded Pauta, one of the ultimate important music journals in Latin U.s.. In 1987, he received a Altruist Fellowship for opera Aura, based gettogether the short story by Carlos Author. He was a member of rendering board of editors of Ediciones Mexicanas de Música since 1979 and neat as a pin regular collaborator with the Ballet Nacional de México since 1988. He further co-founded the Asociación de Amigos show Museo Nacional de Virreinato in 1988 and served as a musical adviser to the Consejo Nacional para latitude Cultura y las Artes from 1990-98 and to the Instituto Cultural Domecq from 1994-98. In addition, he reorganized numerous events on Mexican music dominant served on many panels. He tutored civilized in Mexico and abroad, especially of the essence North American institutions, including the College of Chicago, Cornell University, the Organization of California San Diego, Indiana Foundation and McGill University. He also many a time lectured and participated in forums, seminars, symposia, and workshops in the Americas and Europe and taught as boss composer-in-residence or visiting professor at Indiana University, the University of Chicago, prestige University of California at Santa Barbara, and the University of Wisconsin.

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